Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Hunt Institute is skilled at researching best practices, summarizing critical conversations, and turning discussion into action. The Hunt Institute will facilitate meetings and will process and produce a final report detailing the Task Force’s recommendations. The Hunt Institute has over 20 years of experience working to provide an equitable education to every child. In 2016, after 16 years as a nonpartisan leader in K-12 education policy and political leadership, the Institute evolved to broaden its policy focus to encompass the full continuum, from prenatal care and early childhood to postsecondary education and the workforce. The institute’s mission is to provide unbiased research, technical expertise, and learning opportunities that equip and empower educators and policymakers to drive equitable reforms and become audacious champions for education. They engage with educators and policymakers across all fifty states to serve students across the nation.