Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. Specifications include, but are not limited to: The North Dakota Office of Management and Budget, State Procurement Office, intends to add an apprenticeship reporting module to an existing Geographic Solutions, Inc. contract held by Job Service of North Dakota. Job Service of North Dakota received permission in September 2006 for an exception to purchase hosting, software and maintenance in the form of a COTS solution called Virtual One Stop (VOS) which integrated Virtual Self-Service application, Virtual Labor Market Information application and Spidering. This exception was granted to provide Job Service of North Dakota with considerable resource savings previously used for preparing, reviewing and requesting fixes through ITD. The initial contract is between the Job Service of North Dakota and Geographic Solutions, Inc. At this time, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) has an immediate need for registered apprenticeship reporting to include: Geographic Solutions will provide a module which includes full case management of the employment and training requirements of Registered Apprenticeship Expansion Grants. Including all application forms: Enrollment Activity Tracking, Measurable Skills Grains, Credential Tracking, Outcome and Follow-up capabilities. The Geographic Solutions module will also provide for the mandated federal reporting and extract requirements including: Individual PIRL extract, Apprenticeship Performance Report, Employer Outreach Layout and Annual Report. It is in the best interest of the State to add the work described above to the existing Geographic Solutions, Inc. contract, as they are already doing similar work for Job Service of North Dakota, and this new work will tie into the existing system to add another layer of flexibility and ease of use.