Specifications include, but are not limited to: Establish a framework for data collection, collation, analysis, and presentation. Advise the SWDB’s Relocation and Recruitment Committee on national best practices related to job placement and retention that will contribute to the successful creation and implementation of the New American Labor Force Program. Collaborate with SWDB staff, the SWDB’s Relocation and Recruitment Committee on program development to create the New American Labor Force Program. These two entities will receive support, when necessary, by the Department of Labor, Agencies of Human Services, and Commerce and Community Development, Secretary of State Office of Professional Regulation, and community-based service partners. The program should better organize and leverage existing employment services and accomplish the following: Expand the enrollment of New Americans in registered apprenticeship and other training programs leading to a credential of value. Conduct recruitment and job placement activities specific to New Americans. Support the culmination and publication of employer-focused toolkits and resources currently under development by interested stakeholders. Build a network of career mentors to assist New Americans in advancing in their career path. Develop opportunities to expand the professional networks of New Americans. Foster other activities that support entry, retention, and advancement of New Americans in Vermont’s workforce. After finalizing program design, assist with the implementing and standing up the necessary MOUs; program materials; website design and content; and any other necessary services identified to fill gaps and better coordinate local, regional, and statewide employment related service efforts while considering all of Vermont’s relevant public, private, and non-profit entities.