Specifications include, but are not limited to:The town owns 3 parcels on Templeton Road, two of which currently house municipal services. The town highway garage is at 325 Templeton Road (Parcel Id: 04-02-44.000, Tax Map: 195-062-10297). The new highway garage will be located at the current loca�on. Separately, a fire sta�on is located at 365 Templeton Road (Parcel Id: 04-02-45.000, Tax Map: 195- 062-10298). A vacant parcel behind the town garage is also owned by the town (Parcel Id: 04-02-46.000, Tax Map: 195- 062-10299). The exis�ng town garage was built in 1974 and will be replaced by the newly constructed garage on the same parcel. A por�on of the new highway garage building will be located on the vacant parcel behind the highway garage. The town is in the process of comple�ng a boundary line adjustment so that the new highway garage building and opera�ons will be located en�rely at 325 Templeton Road.