Specifications include, but are not limited to: Review sources of funding and determine which cognizant Federal agency is appropriate per regulations for submission of MSU’s F&A Rate Proposal. Gather University Source Data: Contractor will finalize the Implementation Plan with MSU. Contractor will provide to MSU a detailed data collection mode including formats, fields and download parameters required for the data electronic files. Montana State University (MSU) will provide electronic versions in the required data collection mode for financial, payroll, space, equipment, building, etc. data applicable to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023 (FY 23). Offeror must provide a description and a sample of the data sampling tools and methods it used from previously successfully prepared F&A Rate Proposal for similarly situated Universities. (No confidential information is to be included to be included). Space Survey Completion: MSU will prepare Research Space Survey in conjunction with Contractor (estimated completion date March 30, 2024). Contractor will assist with strategy and preparation of the survey and review and disclose anomalies. MSU will review its data for accuracies and submit to Contractor any corrections. Offeror shall provide criteria that will be used to perform the review and substantiate the recommendations. Develop Cost Pools and Calculate Finance and Administrative Rates: Using the data from Sections 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, Contractor will 1) develop various F&A cost pools and their statistical allocation bases and 2) calculate the highest F&A rates supportable by MSU FY 23 financials and statistical data. Contractor will submit to MSU an electronic summary of the compilations of the Cost Pools and the associated F&A Rates that will be incorporated into the F&A Rate Proposal. Offeror must provide a sample summary of Data from its previously successfully prepared F&A Rate Proposals for similarly situated Universities. (No confidential information is to be included).