Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor shall provide “Narrative Voice” modules for use by Professional Fire Investigators. Each module allows an Investigator the ability to efficiently document the scene, assemble their infield notes and generate NFPA 1033 compliant reports; while also documenting their consideration of the recommendations and suggestions contained in NFPA 921. Modules are Customizable. Contractor modules are customized to "Each" Client's unique report requirements, layout and verbiage for the reports generated. As a result, each Fire Investigators' Origin and Cause report is produced while adhering to specifications and generated using the investigator’s own words. Mobile Access - The State would consider a solution that could include cell and iPhones. Continued Customization: Modules can be customized monthly, when needed. Investigator Training: In addition to Contractor “Tutorial Videos” Each Fire Investigator is provided personal "One-On-One" training via some meeting platform. Training is always conducted with an IAAI Certified Fire Investigator. Initial (as well as continued) training is provided at no additional cost. Contractor’s is to ensure that each Fire Investigator Has Ample Opportunity to be proficient using the modules to generate complete O&C Reports. Technical Support: Unlimited Technical Support will be included in the subscription. Continuing Updates: Contractor modules have been created and assembled by some of the most skilled and experienced Certified Fire Investigators and Subject Matter Experts in the industry. However, they are Never Considered Finalized. Periodically, updates are released where improvements or additional categories of investigation have been implemented. All subscription customers receive updates as they are released.