Specifications include, but are not limited to: GLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (GRP) ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT (UV) CURED IN PLACE PIPE (CIPP) LINER This work consists of rehabilitating existing drainage culverts by furnishing and installing Glass Reinforced thermosetting Plastic (GRP) Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) liners using Ultraviolet (UV) cure methods. CONSTRUCTION STAKES, LINES AND GRADES CONTRACTOR GRADE STAKING The Contractor will perform all Construction staking. The staking work includes, but is not limited to, re-establishing the mainline and intersecting road centerlines; establishing a design centerline profile; establishing control points and benchmarks as needed; setting additional benchmarks as needed; taking original and final cross sections of all Contractor secured borrow sources and State designated borrow sources; taking cross sections of all topsoil stockpiles; and staking right-of-way, easements, and fence.