Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Monthly systematic preventative maintenance (PM). Contractor will provide at least one (1) week in advance, a written schedule of PM to performed and a breakdown of the tasks to be performed under this contract; i.e., adjustments, cleaning, and lubrication of each and every elevator in the building. B. All lubricants shall be of the proper composition, quality, and grade for the purpose used. C. Contractor will respond to “trouble calls” or miscellaneous “call-back” services. When the request specifies a miscellaneous call, Contractor’s mechanic shall report at the scene of the needed repair within two (2) hours or, in the case of trapped passengers, thirty (30) minutes. Failure to do so, may, at the option of the state, be grounds for cancellation of this agreement. D. Unless otherwise specified, the following work applies to all parts of the elevator, including machine motors, generators, brushes, fuses, controller, selectors, worm gears, thrusts, bearings, brake magnet, coils or brake motors, brake shores, windings, rotating elements, contacts, coils, resistances for control and motor circuits, magnet contact frames, leveling devices, guide rails and supports, traction sheaves, deflector sheaves, contacts for car doors or gates, car door operation devices, push buttons, annunciators, indicators, hall lanterns, bulb replacements, hydraulic cylinder, plunger, pumps, valves and other elevator signal scheduling and accessory equipment complete, where included as part of the elevator installations. E. Supplying, repairing, cleaning and replacing of all parts of every description made necessary by wear and tear. The refinishing repairs of and/or replacement of elevator car enclosures, hoist way, enclosures, hoist way door panels, frames, and sills are excluded, as well as replacement of fluorescent light tubes in elevator car. Only parts that are correctly designed and suitable in all respects shall be used. Contractor shall have, and maintain on hand locally, a supply of spare parts sufficient for the normal maintenance and repair of the elevator equipment. F. Testing of all safety devices, governor, etc., as required by the current edition, California State Administrative Code for Elevators and Dumbwaiters, at regular intervals not exceeding a period of one (1) year. Every hydraulic elevator shall be field tested at intervals not to exceed two (2) years. The test shall be witnessed by an authorized representative of the Division of Industrial Safety. The test shall be load test and any defects that may be found in testing and examining the safety devices shall be corrected. Test results shall be provided to the CHP Facilities Coordinator.