Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Maintain UL certification of “fire extinguishing system(s) identified in Health and Safety Code Section 13195, and shall incorporate by reference NFPA 25, Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of WaterBased Fire Protection System (2013 edition), including Annexes A, C, D, and E, as amended by the office of the State Fire Marshal”. B. Test and inspect fire system devices annually, including functional tests. Quarterly inspections to be performed on flow switch on riser, per NFPA 25. C. Per NFPA 25-Attachment 1-Annual and Quarterly Maintenance, Table Summary of Sprinkler System Inspection, Testing and Maintenance. D. Per NFPA 25-Attachment 2-Quarterly and Annual Maintenance, Table Summary of Standpipe and Hose Systems Inspection, Testing and Maintenance. E. Vendor shall ensure there is 10% surplus of each variety of sprinkler heads in the inspected buildings. These shall be stored near the Control Box. F. Testing to be scheduled in advance with on-site contact. Test results to be provided to the CHP Area on-site contact and sent to CHP Facilities Coordinator to the following address: California Highway Patrol, Facilities Section, Attention: Donna Goodwin, 601 North 7th Street, Sacramento, California 95811. Documentation to include make, model, and serial number of equipment. G. For minor, unscheduled repairs or replacement of existing devices, Contractor shall submit a written cost proposal to the Facilities Coordinator for approval. Invoice is to be itemized, including parts used, cost per item, and numbers of hours for labor, sales tax, and any other charges. H. Provide preventative maintenance service to include checking the fire extinguishing system, sensors, and the back-up battery if applicable. I. Contractor shall be in compliance and accountable to the Laws and Regulations for Automatic Extinguishing Systems by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Office of the State Fire Marshal Fire Engineering Division. J. Contractor will be required to contact the Area office at least one week in advance to schedule an appointment to perform the quarterly and/or annual maintenance service(s).