Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1) Contractor must provide all necessary equipment, tools, supplies, labor and transportation necessary to conduct farrier services for CHP. 2) Contractor must apply or reset shoes every six (6) to eight (8) weeks, depending on the needs of the specific horse. This may include, but not be limited to the following: a) Proper trimming of hooves. b) Proper fit of steel shoes. c) Application of borium for grip. d) Install pad for cushion and support of the horse. e) Install Equithotic Sneakers. 3) All services must address the soundness and comfort of the horse. 4) Contractor shall reset shoes as needed. 5) Contractor shall replace lost shoes as needed; as soon as possible 6) Contractor must be able to, and willing to use various types and brands of horse shoes; determined by the individual horses, riders and conditions; as requested by the CHP Contract Representative or designee. Shoe types may include; but shall not be limited to the following: • Equithotic Sneakers • Remuda rubber shoes • Vet recommended therapeutic shoe remedy 7) Contractor must have the ability to respond to emergency service requests within one (1) hour of the request. 8) Non-emergency service requests shall be performed within seven (7) calendar days of the request. 9) If Contractor is temporarily unable to provide services, CHP, during the period of Contractor’s inability to provide services, reserves the right to accomplish the work by other means and shall be reimbursed by Contractor for any costs above the contract rates.