Specifications include, but are not limited to: conduct empowerment evaluation services for the Department’s Rape Prevention and Education (RPE) Grant. In addition, the Contractor must provide technical assistance related to the primary prevention of sexual violence with an emphasis on community- and societal-level strategies that promote health equity, assist with developing a State Action Plan, Logic Model and Evaluation Plan, develop assessment tools and administer as part of the RPE evaluation plan, and be responsible for updating the State Capacity Building Team (SCBT) Dashboard. The successful bidder will be expected to: Assist NDDHHS with updating the RPE Logic Model, State Action Plan and Evaluation Plan upon receipt of guidance from CDC. At least one in-person meeting in Bismarck will be required to complete these tasks. Administer Community Readiness Assessments to local communities, assist with scoring and provide analysis as requested by the NDDHHS. Update, administer, and provide analysis for the RPE Prevention Capacity Survey, Organizational Capacity Assessment, Health Equity Organizational Assessment, and other assessment tools developed under the RPE Grant. Create evaluation tools for data collection and analyze data. Update the SCBT Dashboard to include data on health disparities and when new data becomes available. Provide on demand technical assistance and training to domestic violence/rape crisis and/or other RPE-funded agencies and partners on sexual violence primary prevention, risk and protective factors for sexual violence perpetration and victimization, principles of effective prevention programs, community engagement strategies, and developing health equity strategies.