Specifications include, but are not limited to: Hand thin and pile two (2) units (Unit 2 and Unit 5) totaling, approximately 89.12 acres of lodgepole and Douglas-fir. Unit boundaries are flagged at, or about, eye-level. Thinning Prescriptions for all Units: • Trees (2’ ht. to 8” DBH): Cut all trees 2’ ht. to 8” DBH to 15’x 15’ spacing. In areas of pure lodgepole pine regen 10’ x 10’ spacing is preferred, if needed spacing can be increased for slash piles. Cut all dead trees. The maximum stump height shall be 6” above ground level, as measured on the uphill side of a tree. • Leave tree selection: Species preference: 1. Aspen 2. Douglas-fir 3. Lodgepole pine. Select healthy leave trees with good >40% crowns and good form. • Trees (8” DBH to 14” DBH): Cut and pile all dead, dying trees and all blown down trees. Processed (cut/delimbed, etc.) material over 10” in diameter may be left in direct contact with the ground and piles should not be located in sensitive riparian areas—lop and scatter permitted only as necessary. The maximum stump height shall be 12” above ground level, as measured on the uphill side of a tree. Scattered single lodgepole pine trees 6” DBH to 11” DBH with poor crowns should be cut. • Pruning: Prune all leave trees to 1/3 of their height or up to 6’-8’. • Slash and hand pile requirements: Hand pile 90% of all slash greater than 1" in diameter, including all blowdown. To prevent scorch or damage, piles shall be placed outside the drip line of remaining leave trees and 10’-15’ from all regen. "Crib" piles as needed on steep terrain. • If firewood removal is a component of the proposal, provide a small skid steer/equipment for moving logs to landing areas (when weather conditions are favorable to prevent soil compaction or erosion).