Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Meet with VCJC staff to review the current curriculum and evaluate to what degree its content matches the results of the job task analysis. Any potential problems will be identified, and remediation will be recommended by the contractor. 2. Collaborate with the Vermont Criminal Justice Council (VCJC) and Vermont Police Academy (VPA) to identify potential full curriculum needs utilizing results from a completed Job Task Analysis as well as projected outcomes for law enforcement. 3. Have the ability to create a content-valid framework for the review of current instructional objectives and the creation of new learning objectives. 4. Develop learning objectives and uniform lessons using adult learning best practices and national certification standards. 5. Meet with VCJC staff to review the project methodology and objectives and to establish a clear project schedule, and all resource requirements, and responsibilities of the VCJC and the contractor. 6. Be prepared to present the project scope and timeline to the Criminal Justice Council members. 7. Provide train the trainer sessions and on-site technical support for an initial piloting period of the curriculum to ensure curriculum efficacy, logistics, and any needed revisions before full implementation. 8. Piloting program shall include test instrument validation through data analysis. 9. Provide assistance during full curriculum development implementation to Academy staff members to include Vermont specific needs.