Specifications include, but are not limited to: ● Managing the training, testing, and licensing of EMS providers, units, instructors, training agencies, and EMS vehicles, including wheelchair vans (Law: RSA 153-A) (Rules: Saf-C 5900), ● Supporting, promoting, and offering education and public information regarding the availability and use of the EMS and trauma services system, ● Providing for the training and testing (written/practical) of emergency medical care providers (RSA 153-A:11), ● Planning and providing resources for a cooperative effort between private and governmental agencies and emergency medical and adult/pediatric trauma services in the event of an emergency, including a response to a mass casualty incident, ● Facilitating the establishment and maintenance of a communications network that addresses citizen access to the emergency medical and trauma services system and communications between all of the agencies and facilities involved in the care or transportation of patients (EMS Units adobe acrobat reader symbol, healthcare facilities, EMS Regional Councils, local, county, and state agencies), ● Establishing a data collection and analysis capability that provides for the evaluation of the emergency medical and trauma services system (TEMSIS), ● Carrying out investigations, as provided under RSA 153-A:14, and ● Preparing budgets and grant requests for funds needed to maintain an effective emergency medical and trauma services system.