Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Project will be conducted in the context of emergency bypass needs throughout the Victor Valley and Morongo Basin and take into account existing traffic management plans that have been developed by law enforcement, transportation, and emergency service agencies to deal with I-15 closures and major incidents. Additionally, the Project will be conducted in a way that identifies specific potential improvements on SR-247 and SR-62 between Barstow, the Town of Yucca Valley, and Interstate 10 near Palm Springs. Any improvements identified may be recommended for next steps in project programming and funding documents that can be used as the basis for funding requests, including state and federal capital grants. Two components of the Emergency Bypass Study are included in the Scope of Work. Part 1 is the preparation of an area-wide Emergency Bypass Strategy that can build on any existing response plans previously developed by the California Highway Patrol (CHP), Caltrans, and other emergency service agencies as a basis for managing traffic for periods when Interstate 15 through the Cajon Pass is closed. The strategy should also incorporate plans for when the I-15 carrying-capacity is significantly limited for a period of time long enough to warrant diversion of traffic to other routes. Part 2 involves the preparation of a Feasibility Study for potential geometric and operational improvements on the portions of SR-247 from Barstow to Yucca Valley, on SR-62 from Yucca Valley to Interstate 10 in Palm Springs, in the Cajon Pass, and on other state and local roadways that feed the Cajon Pass from either direction. This will become the basis for recommending next steps in the project development process that will allow for strategic improvements to SR-247 and SR-62 and other routes that will better prepare agencies for dealing with traffic during emergencies. For example, specific locations for geometric/operational improvement, or installation of dynamic message signs and other warning/information systems may be identified by the project steering committee that are suitable for inclusion in state and local project development and funding plans.