Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Develop a mini-grant or similar program to fund local communities/organizations to implement programs and activities that incorporate tobacco prevention and Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Obesity (PANO) initiatives through Delaware. The applicant will be responsible for screening, awarding, administering and monitoring a mini grant program or resource assistance program to various community organizations or coalitions. (For the purpose of developing a proposal, estimate at least 15 communities/organizations with no award over $25,000.00). This program provides funding to community-based organizations in order to strengthen the capacity of these groups to positively inform social norms regarding tobacco use and healthy lifestyles (including physical activity and nutrition), and to build relationships among multiple sectors of the community, such as housing, education, business, planning, and transport. The funds must be awarded to communities/organizations/coalitions that address one or more of each of the tobacco and healthy lifestyle goals in their proposals and have specific measurable objectives. In selecting the proposals, the applicant will convene a committee to include at least one representative from the DPH Tobacco Prevention and Control program and others as designated by DPH. The applicant will be responsible for ensuring that the programs and activities are properly evaluated and ensure that community grantees measure and evaluate social norm change outcomes (e.g., policy adoption, increased compliance) resulting from their interventions. 2. Provide training and technical assistance. The applicant will be responsible for providing local and statewide training, conferences and technical assistance on best practices for effective tobacco use prevention and implementing policy, systems and environments changes (PSE) strategies in their communities to support healthy lifestyles. Audiences should include (but not be limited to) mini grant recipients, coalitions and community organizations. 3. Enhance existing tobacco prevention and education resources centers available to schools, community groups, businesses, etc. The applicant will purchase brochures, videos, CD-ROMS, curricula, journals, and other appropriate materials and make them available to various organizations, communities, schools etc...