Specifications include, but are not limited to: Contractor/Sub Contractor/Hauler shall possess and maintain a current El Dorado County Solid Waste Collection Hauler Agreement to perform the work and services for collecting and hauling solid waste. This agreement shall be provided at the time of the bid opening and maintained for the full duration of the term of the contract. Contractor shall possess and maintain a current California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), Measurement and Standard, Weighmaster License (non-fixed) issued to the Contractor for the full duration of the contract term. Contractor shall enroll and maintain, as current, all disposal vehicles and drivers and inspected as required by the California Highway Patrol in the Basic Inspection of Terminals (BIT) enrollment program to determine if each vehicle and operation thereof complies with the Vehicle Code and with regulations adopted by the Department of the California Highway Patrol. The BIT enrollments provided at the time of the bid opening shall have personally identifiable information redacted. Contractor shall possess and maintain as current all business and professional licenses, permits and/or certifications that are required by federal, state, and local codes to be compliant with the collection and disposal of refuse and recycling. In the event any license(s), permit(s), insurance and/or certification(s) expire, is suspended, or revoked at any time during the term of this contract, Contractor must notify the State Contract Administrator and the State’s Project Representative immediately. The State must have direct communication with all subcontractors used to perform services. Contractor is responsible for providing contact information to the State upon contract award (GSPD 05-105). Contractor must notify the State if there is a change in subcontractors 30 days prior to the change. A new GSPD 05-105 form must then be completed. Contractor must possess the technical expertise to perform all services, obligations and duties as described in and required by this contract including exhibits thereto. Contractor shall supply trash collection vehicles, equipped with front and or rear loading capabilities. Collection vehicles must have the ability to pick up and empty 2-30 YD bins. Vehicles must have watertight bodies that are sufficient in number and capacity to efficiently perform the work required by this contract in strict accordance with its terms. All vehicles must be properly maintained, in good working condition and shall be compliant with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations for operation, collection and transport of refuse and recycling. Suitable measures shall be taken by the contractor to prevent anything from falling into public streets or State Park Properties.