Specifications include, but are not limited to: The surveyor will be required to provide Right-of-Way, Structure, Utility, Boundary survey, which varies by location. The survey shall be prepared by a licensed New Hampshire Land Engineer/Surveyor and shall be provided in the manner defined under “Deliverables”. The Land Engineer/Surveyor shall coordinate with the appropriate utility companies to verify the existing utilities. The survey shall include, but not be limited to, the following requirements: 1. Locate all property lines (R.O.W.) and easements within the survey limits. Survey shall extend approximately 20’ beyond the City Right-of-Way. 2. Contours at one-foot intervals. 3. Scale 1” = 20’ 4. Drainage structures, pipes, invert elevations, manholes, drop inlets, pipe outlets and drainage channels. 5. Underground Utilities (i.e., gas, water, sewer, electric, communications) including all pipe sizes, material, inverts, rim elevations and valve boxes. 6. Aerial Utilities including all utility poles, light poles, electrical cabinets, overhead wires, etc. 7. All guardrails, bollards, fences, gates, signs and inground site features. 8. Wooded areas. 9. Wetland delineation markers. 10. Provide temporary benchmarks at 200’ intervals, minimum. 11. Maps to be done in digital form (AutoCAD .dwg 2018) in New Hampshire State Plane Coordinate System 16. Control points used to establish the survey must be included in the digital form of the drawing.