Specifications include, but are not limited to: This Request for Proposals seeks to establish a relationship with a qualified Contractor to assist in the City’s Comprehensive Plan rewrite. The Plan shall define a vision for the community, which shall address the desired balance of land uses, their location, design character and density as applied to undeveloped, underdeveloped, and redevelopment areas, and the interconnection among land use, the natural environment, the socioeconomic environment, and the built environment. The overall theme of the Plan shall be smart growth to create long-term sustainability, a unique sense of community and place, and a broader range of employment and housing choices and to preserve and enhance the City’s natural and cultural resources. The Contractor shall initiate the overall study, examine existing conditions, identify needs and opportunities, and prepare implementation strategies for the City. The Contractor is expected to analyze existing conditions to update the Comprehensive Plan components. The analysis must identify emerging trends and the suitability of existing land use regulations, public/private facilities, and services to meet the growing and changing needs of the population. The Plan shall also explore where public or private initiatives would be necessary to maintain and improve services and facilities.