Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project includes design and construction services required to design and install High‐Tension Median Barrier Rail along the I‐15 Corridor from Mile Post 174.0‐204.0, to address cross median crashes. Proposed improvements include median slope flattening (where necessary), modifications as necessary to mitigate corresponding drainage issues, and installation of high‐tension cable rail. Project scope of work items related to this design‐build project are as follows: 1. High‐Tension Median Barrier 1. Provide a High‐Tension Cable‐Barrier rail system that meets or exceeds the test requirements of NCHRP 350 TL‐3 and/or MASH TL‐3. MDT will accept systems that include terminal end sections that meet NCHRP 350 TL‐3. Preference will not be given to systems that are 100% MASH compliant. 2. Design the High‐Tension Cable‐Barrier system in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction, details, and drawings needed for the installation and inspection of the product. Firms must install cable barrier rail provided from one of the four suppliers listed below. Brifen USA, Inc. Gibraltar Cable Barrier Gregory Industries Trinity Highway 3. Multiple manufacturer systems will not be accepted for this project. 4. Concrete foundations with metal sockets or driven steel sockets must be placed. Do not use a tubular concrete form for casting any concrete footings or anchors. Cast concrete cable terminal foundations and line post socket footings in place. Driven steel sockets must have welded soil plates. Steel sockets and concrete foundations must be designed for strength and serviceability requirements of AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specifications. 5. MDT will accept only direct anchored systems at terminals. Tension release terminals will not be accepted. 6. At approximately the 75% design phase, the selected Firm will provide a comprehensive design report with the preliminary plans. The report will provide a summary of the design, design constraints, and mitigation strategies, as well as explain how the design meets MASH, NCHRP 350, MDT, and manufacturer’s design criteria. 7. The design will include adequate detail to identify the median widths, highway geometric information (i.e., centerline curve radius), location of the proposed cable‐barrier, transitions, anchors, and shielding offset data. The plans must include adequate data for construction purposes. Include select cross sections and/or details as necessary to demonstrate the design meets all the project requirements. 8. Conduct a pre‐installation conference with the installer, manufacturer’s representative, and department personnel assigned to oversee construction. 9. Following completion of all cable guardrail installations, conduct a maintenance conference with the manufacturer’s representative and specified department maintenance, highway patrol, emergency services, tow truck drivers, and construction personnel covering all aspects of maintaining and repairing High‐Tension Cable Rail. 10. The contractor will maintain and repair the cable barrier system until the project is accepted. The repaired section needs to be re‐inspected and certified by the manufacturer prior to final acceptance...