Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Pre-construction Services: The selected firm will assist the City’s Project Team by providing pre-construction services, including but not limited to the following: 1. Review in-progress design and construction documents and provide input and advice on construction feasibility, alternative materials, costs, scheduling, bid strategy, and availability. 2. Review completed design and construction documents prior to bidding and suggest modifications to improve completeness and clarity to eliminate change orders due to inconsistencies or omissions in the construction documents. 3. Prepare a final construction cost estimate to the Owner prior to bidding. Cost estimate to be provided at 90% design development. 4. Develop a preliminary construction schedule. 5. Make recommendations to the City’s Project Manager regarding division of work in order to facilitate competitive bidding and awarding of subcontracts. 6. Prepare pre-qualification criteria for material suppliers and contractors. Develop vendor and contractor interest in the project. Identify long lead time materials and recommend a schedule for procurement of materials and any specialized labor required to meet project schedule. Price must be a factor in pre-qualification criteria for material suppliers and contractors. 7. Prioritize opportunities for local participation of material suppliers and contractors in this project. 8. Conduct pre-bid conferences with sub-contractors. 9. Review competitive sealed bids from the various sub-contractors and make recommendations to the City’s Project Manager 10. Obtain approvals of public agencies and approval authorities. 11. Schedule all project construction related activities. B. Construction Services: It is expected that the selected firm will provide CMAR services during the construction phase. Construction services include but are not limited to the following: 1. The CMAR must procure all trade contractors that were not identified as members of the CMAR team in the Proposal, in accordance with the federal procurement requirements and regulations. 2. Prepare, execute and manage contracts with material suppliers and sub-contractors.