Specifications include, but are not limited to: The design of the pond shall include the following features and components: 1. Hold no less than 2 million gallons with maximum volume dependent on budget 2. Increase evaporation through maximizing surface area 3. Base leak detection or an engineer recommended alternative leak detection method 4. A double liner 5. Gravel layer above liner 6. Pond shall be internally plumbed to existing ponds, and existing ponds shall be plumbed to each other a. Include electric pumps with a minimum capacity of 500GPM b. Back flow protection c. Include a conditioned pump house d. Include flow meters 7. Power drops at new pond and existing ponds at 220V for pumps and future evaporators 8. New pond shall be connected to leachate sump and pump system 9. Depth gauges and temperature monitoring equipment shall be included for new and existing ponds 10. Bubblers for evaporation 11. Compatibility with SCADA system for all monitoring devices 12. Design plans shall be completed within 45 days of the project 13. An add alternate for surface evaporators, budget allowing