Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. State of New Hampshire Agencies Representatives and contractor may prearrange deliveries beyond the forty-eight (48) hour requirement to suit delivery needs by the mutual agreement of contractor and the NHDOT. 2. DIPPING TANKS State agencies require all vendors to have their delivery personnel dip tanks before and after deliveries using water finding paste, and note said readings on delivery slips. Dip stick readings will be accurate within 1/8” inch per State of New Hampshire Code Of Administrative Rules, Chapter Env-Or 400 Underground Storage Facilities regulations, as revised or renumbered. If the dipping indicates more than 1/2” of water the vendor shall not deliver the fuel and shall contact the agency contact and advise them of the situation. 3. DELIVERY SLIP / BOL All deliveries including tanker loads shall include a bill of lading and/or documentation to identify the type of product left at each delivery. Delivery and load slips must be left at each delivery site. Failure to leave delivery documentation at each delivery site may result in delayed payments for said deliveries. 4. TANK DELIVERY CONTAMINATION If a vendor delivers a fuel product to the wrong fuel tank, and that delivery causes contamination between 2 different products (i.e. diesel fuel and gasoline, etc.), the vendor shall take the following steps to correct the situation: • The vendor that delivered the product to the wrong tank shall contact the agency owning the fuel tank to convey the situation as soon as the vendor becomes aware of the situation. • The vendor shall them pump out the total contents of the contaminated tank, both existing product and newly delivered product • It shall be the vendor’s responsibility and cost to properly dispose of the contaminated product • The vendor shall clean the tank. • The vendor shall replace the total volume of product pumped out charging the state for only the original volume requested to be delivered. • The vendor shall be physically and financially responsible for the pumping, cleaning and replacing of the fuel product. • The vendor shall work without delay to remedy the error so the fuel tank may be put back in service ASAP by the state agency. 5. TANK DELIVERY SPILLS / OVERFILLS Most underground tanks (all NHDOT) are equipped with 4" tight fill adapters. Delivery trucks shall be equipped with appropriate hardware to seal delivery lines to prevent over-fills and/or spills. If a spill should occur during delivery, the vendor assumes all responsibility and liability for spill, clean-up and/or cleaning of tank and the delivery driver will report the incident to onsite agency personnel immediately. This requirement also includes cleaning up of any fuel spilled from the spill bucket...