Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.1.1 Vendor shall provide pricing for each AED on one Line Item and pricing for maintenance per year/month on another Line Item. 1.1.2 Vendors may submit pricing and information on more than one (1) AED brand/model in their bid by attaching cost and details of the complete system, and maintenance, on company letterhead attached to the Response Attachment section of their ebid response. 1.1.3 Vendors shall bid the cost of a unit which is capable of being used on children and adults on a third Line Item. The PBC will determine if the cost and need for this type of unit is required at the locations being considered. 1.1.4 The PBC will evaluate the cost of the AED, supplies, accessories and maintenance cost for an eight (8) year period to determine the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder. 1.1.5 The PBC may purchase up to 10 additional AED units with/without maintenance from the awarded Vendor for a period of one year from date of award. Vendor shall indicate in their ebid response if their pricing will remain in effect for the four year term, or be increased/decreased during the term. 1.2 Vendor must provide proof of insurance meeting PBC requirements prior to being awarded contract.