Please note: This is a Sole Source Notification. Specifications include, but are not limited to: Montana State University Procurement & Contract Services is considering a request from the Montana State University Billings Campus to award a Sole Source contract to Ryzer Events for Camps Management Software. The determination of this Sole Source purchase is based on the following requirements: Description of Service or Product required: The Athletics Department needs a camps management software to advertise, register, and track camps and camp participants with: -the ability to pass on all usage fees and credit card fees to the customer completing the registration/sign-up - the ability to have custom websites for each sport nested under an overall MSUB Camps page - the ability for multiple user accounts to be created for staff and administration - quick and responsive reps that can update or add camps and information to the websites - the ability for camp participants to create accounts for easy registration and payments - the ability to create participant mailing lists so that new camps can be emailed to previous participants - the ability to add forms (such as an acknowledgement of risk) for all registrations to sign before they can complete their camp sign up. - the ability to run quick and detailed reports through the coach or admin accounts - the ability for admins to be able to add/cancel/modify registrations from the platforms back end. This includes setting up holds on funds so that refunds can be processed simply and quickly. - a mobile app would be preferred - the software should be able to operate independently without additional software purchases - integration with 3rd party sites (such as Front Rush) preferred but not required