Specifications include, but are not limited to: Ten (10) rear wheel drive performance coupe vehicles to be used in high-speed highway traffic and general law enforcement work. ENGINE 2.1.1 The engine shall have a minimum horsepower of 450 HP and a minimum torque of 400 foot-pounds. 2.1.2 The engine shall be designed to operate knock free at all engine and vehicle speeds on unleaded fuel with a minimum octane rating of 87 [(RM + MM) ÷ 2]. 2.2 FUEL SYSTEM 2.2.1 The fuel supply system shall be of such a design to eliminate vapor lock when the engine is operating in high ambient temperatures or during periods of extended idling. 2.3 FUEL TANK 2.3.1 The fuel tank shall be the largest capacity available. 2.4 COOLING SYSTEM 2.4.1 The cooling system shall be liquid pressurized, forced circulation type. The manufacturer shall provide the heaviest duty cooling system components and recovery system applicable to the model offered. The cooling system design and capacity shall maintain the engine at optimum temperature, under all operating conditions specified, without any loss of coolant or overheating of engine or components. The cooling system shall be free of contaminants that may affect cooling system component longevity and performance. Optimum engine temperature shall be maintained with the vehicle loaded to the vehicle manufacturer’s published maximum gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) and continually operated in all operating environments described within the scope of this specification.