Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Outreach, Recruitment, and Retention: Outreach and recruitment includes, but is not limited to, identifying potentially eligible youth, working with parents and guardians to secure necessary documentation, and working closely with other governmental and community organizations and school systems to identify and recruit ISY. Once enrolled, continued engagement and retention of participants is vital to individual and program success. B. Intake, Eligibility Determination and Certification: Provider will be responsible for reasonably determining WIOA eligibility of youth applicants recruited into the program, determining the youth’s suitability for program services, and collecting, verifying and uploading all necessary eligibility source documents. WIOA requires all youth to meet certain eligibility criteria and be determined eligible prior to enrollment and receipt of WIOA funded services. C. Providers shall implement Mental Health and Trauma Informed care and training for staff and participants must be implemented throughout the program year. D. Providers shall ensure that participants have an understanding of quality jobs through supported work experiences that include supervision, paid training, access to supportive services, career ladders and work base learning that may lead to a certification. E. Objective Assessment: Providers must conduct an objective assessment of the academic level, skill levels, and service needs of each participant, which will include a review of basic skills, occupational skills, prior work experience, employability, interests, aptitudes, supportive service needs, mental health services, and development needs. The goal is to accurately evaluate each youth in order to develop an appropriate service strategy to meet their individual needs, appropriate services, and a career pathway.