Specifications include, but are not limited to: Furnish all supplies, materials, tools, equipment, labor, personnel, and supervision; pay all taxes, insurance, bonds, license and permit fees, and all other direct and indirect costs necessary to provide HVAC maintenance in accordance the manufacturer’s preventive maintenance recommendations and the terms set forth in this Agreement. UNIT # MAKE MODEL SERIAL # LOCATION 1 CARRIER 48TCDA06A2A5A0A 4609G30202 ROOF 2 CARRIER 48TCMA04A2A5A0A0A0 2509G30220 ROOF 3 CARRIER 48TCDA05A2A5A0A0A0 2209G40229 ROOF 4 CARRIER 48TCMA04A2A5A0A0A0 2509G30219 ROOF 5 CARRIER 48TCDA05A2A5A0A0A0 2209G40230 ROOF 6 CARRIER 48TCMA04A2A5A0A0A0 2509G30224 ROOF 7 MITSUBISHI MSZ-GE-18NA 62E15112 COMPUTER SERVER ROOM 8 Dayton 3E132D N/A AUTO BAY