Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Nebraska Department of Labor (NDOL), on behalf of the Greater Nebraska Chief Elected Officials Board (GNCEOB) and Greater Nebraska Workforce Development Board (GNWDB), is soliciting competitive proposals to provide Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services in the Greater Nebraska Workforce Development Area (GNWDA). A single service provider is sought for all of the following services: Adult and Dislocated Worker Service Provider, Youth Service Provider, Administrative Entity, and One-Stop Operator. Proposals will only be accepted to act as a service provider for all of the WIOA services outlined above. The awarded bidder must provide a program of services to assist individuals with training and employment opportunities needed to gain sufficient occupational skills necessary to enter self-sufficient employment. The program will assist Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth in gaining the training and skills needed to excel in high-demand occupations in the GNWDA. To adhere to the intent of WIOA, the GNWDB, in coordination with the GNCEOB, is seeking to select an organization which demonstrates that it can provide a positive and measurable impact on workforce development through One-Stop operations and on Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth populations through WIOA Title IB service delivery in the GNWDA. The Chief Elected Official is the Governor of Nebraska, and the GNCEOB acts on behalf of the Governor to oversee the GNWDB.