Specifications include, but are not limited to: This project includes sidewalk and curb ramp reconstruction in various locations in southwest Lincoln. The plan set indicates locations of sidewalk repairs needed and are approximate and subject to change. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Project Manager regarding upcoming repair locations. The City will mark the actual sections of sidewalk and ramps which require repair upon receiving notification from the Contractor a minimum of seven days in advance of anticipated construction. The Contractor shall be required to complete all repair work and site clean-up at any given location within seven working days of initial removals at that location. The Work will involve removal and reconstruction of curb and sidewalk according to Lincoln Standard Plan No. 600 for sidewalk ramp construction. The City’s Project Manager will determine with the Contractor the specific type of ramp construction at each location. Sidewalk and curb ramps must be poured back within three (3) working days after removal, unless granted additional time by the Project Manager. Curb ramps on opposing corners of intersections must be phased unless the Project Manager approves removal of multiple corners.