Specifications include, but are not limited to: North Dakota State College of Science (NDSCS) is requesting sealed proposals to establish and award a contract to provide pickup and disposal of garbage at the academic, administrative, and student residence halls and apartment complexes at NDSCS Campus, Wahpeton, ND. The initial term of this contract shall be effective for one (1) year, with annual renewal. The services the selected Offeror will be expected to provide under the contract upon request of NDSCS, will include, but are not limited to, the following: 3.2.1 Provide dumpsters, pick-up, transportation, and disposal of refuse materials at a suitable landfill or transfer station. Dumpsters shall be maintained in good condition, without graffiti and with fully operational and attached lids. Dumpsters that are found to be deficient by either the Offeror or NDSCS shall be replaced and/or refurbished. See attachments A, B, and C for list of current dumpsters, pickup schedule, and dumpster location map. 3.2.2 Garbage pickup services will include all academic, administrative, student residence halls, and apartment complexes at NDSCS in Wahpeton, ND. 3.2.3 Additional services may be required for on-campus events. 3.2.4 The Offeror will dispose all materials following applicable City, County, State, and Federal laws and regulations and follow established best management practices. 3.2.5 The Offeror shall identify and communicate to the College contact cost-effective means to reduce refuse materials and increase recycling at NDSCS facilities. 3.2.6 Optimize current hauling and garbage disposal to reduce overall waste management system costs. 3.2.7 Offerors are encouraged to offer a service that provides any added value benefits within their proposal along with appropriate backup information. Proposals shall meet all federal, state, and local standards for quality, safety and health requirements. Any products or equipment used in the delivery of the service will be new or in a condition acceptable to the College.