Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project streets and street segments are located throughout the City of Burlington. Mill and fill repaving, and structure adjustment will occur on North Avenue from Plattsburgh Ave. to Staniford Rd. and along the extent of Staniford Rd. from Oakland Terrace to North Ave.. Mill and fill work may occur on North Ave. from Staniford Rd. to Shore Rd. as an add alternate as indicated in the contract documents. Additionally, mill and fill patching may occur on the following streets: Fairmount St., Archibald St., Intervale Ave., Woodbury Rd., Robinson Pkwy., and Cliff St., as add alternates as indicated in the contract documents. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: This contract will consist of mill and fill paving of the roadway; localized full depth patches; adjusting driveway aprons as needed; and will also include curb and sidewalk work to ensure compliance with accessibility laws and standards. The work consists of lowering and raising catch basins, manhole structures, and water valves throughout the project streets.