Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Scheduled Lawn Maintenance – Mowing Season 1. Vendor shall perform lawn maintenance services to all areas from April 1st through October 31st ("mowing season"). Lawn maintenance performed before or after this time frame shall be on as needed basis as determined by LRWRA (see Unscheduled/Additional Lawn Maintenance below.) Vendor should contact the LRWRA Facilities Asset Management Manager or Coordinator, or their designee prior to mowing season to confirm an actual start date for services. 2. The timeframe for completing scheduled services (“lawn maintenance cycle”) for an area may require that services be performed every two weeks, weekly, or monthly per the site location. Specifications and requirements relating to required services and frequency are detailed herein. 3. Vendor shall not skip scheduled services. a. Vendor must notify the Facilities Asset Management Manager or Coordinator, or their designee immediately should they not be able to complete the required lawn maintenance services within the required timeframe. b. This notification should be in the form of an email and should include the reason for non-completion and an estimated timeframe in which the services will be completed. B. Unscheduled Lawn Maintenance and/or Extra Services 1. Lawn maintenance performed before or after mowing season shall be considered unscheduled and shall be performed on an as needed basis as determined by LRWRA. Pricing for unscheduled lawn maintenance shall be the same as for scheduled maintenance of an area. 2. LRWRA shall have the right to request extra lawn maintenance for an area throughout this contract period (e.g., LRWRA may request lawn maintenance be performed multiple times during the normal lawn maintenance cycle, or request services that are in addition to those specified herein, etc.).