Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Windbag, City Beach treatment area is ~ 20.5 acres. (Map 1) Memorial Boat Launch treatment area is ~ 1 acre. Third Avenue Pier is < 0.25 Acre. Moorage during work can be provided by the City. 1. The City Integrated Weed Management Plan reads, “Natural and Sensitive Areas Program: This program includes storm water swales, wetlands, riparian corridors, shorelines and aquatic habitats within the City of Sandpoint. These areas are city- owned property with critical environmental resources, sheltering native ecosystems and wildlife habitat. The City of Sandpoint is also committed to protecting the water quality of Lake Pend Oreille and the Pend Oreille River for the benefit of their aquatic inhabitants as well as those that rely upon these waterbodies as sources of potable drinking water. Traditional herbicide use is not permitted in natural and sensitive areas for noxious or nuisance weeds. The occurrence of all weeds should be addressed using the decision making process discussed in the previous section, utilizing preventative, cultural, mechanical, natural herbicides and biological controls only.” 2. This service occurs during the busiest use of the recreation areas and the proposal must include description of how impacts to boaters and public safety will be protected during performance of service. 3. Water quality and low turbidity needs to bemaintained. 4. Weed fragments must be contained. 5. If additional bottom barriers are considered, consult with Idaho State Department of Agriculture and Army Corp of Engineers for permitting. 6. Project must include method for assessment of effort and an annual report showing areas worked, methods applied, and results.