Specifications include, but are not limited to: UNIT OFFICE: Kalispell (KAL) TOTAL ACRES: 559 acres PROJECT LOCATION: The Ronan Creek site is approximately 6 miles northwest of Dayton, MT. Please see attached maps for locations. ACCESS: Planting units are accessed by single-laned forest roads which are gated. Forest roads are native surfaced roads and can be easily rutted during wet conditions. See map for gate locations and access information. PLANTING CONDITIONS: The Ronan Creek planting units were harvested in the fall of 2020 with a shelterwood prescription. The entire parcel (640 acres) burned in the Elmo Fire in August of 2022. The fire burned hot, but grass and brush have re-vegetated portions of the planting area. DNRC salvaged burned timber in the summer/fall of 2023. Side slopes vary from 20% to 45%. 150,000 trees will be planted on a 12 X 12 foot spacing. Some of the area is very rocky and will be left out of the area to plant. There will be some unplantable spots due to rock and shallow soils. Access is via single lane, forest roads. There are 3 gates to go through. All gates will have a combination lock with a 2266 code.