Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Remove and dispose of one (1) layer of existing shingles, moisture shedding underlayment, eave, valley and ridge protection, snow guards and associated metal flashings and trim. B. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to furnish and install the following as specified herein. 1. Granular surfaced asphalt shingle roofing. 2. Moisture shedding underlayment, eave, valley and ridge protection. 3. Ridge Vents 4. Associated sheet metal flashings and trim. C. It is not the intent to herein describe all of the details for asphalt roofing and flashing. Contractor shall ensure that all items and details not otherwise specified, or as otherwise required to achieve a complete watertight roofing installation as required by manufacturer’s written instructions and industry standards. D. Roofing shall be removed and replaced at the following structure located at the Wastewater Treatment Facility 245 Pickering Road, Rochester, NH 03867: 1. Administration Building 2. Mechanical/Filter Building 3. Grit Removal Building.