Vendor shall submit annual Work Plan for providing all labor, supervision, supplies and materials to conduct RGGI services, including a plan that details the following: Program Description Show how organization will carry out RRHACE program. Describe the how organization will ensure the program is customer friendly, providing all services in a manner which does not overburden the customers, and which is consistently sensitive to their needs, convenience, and unique circumstances. Provide a detailed narrative description of the project. Provide the screening process used to ensure the safety of customers, i.e., background checks or other investigatory processes that are in place. Describe the Target Population for whom services will be provided. Describe why the project is needed and how it will meet the needs of the target population you indicated. Describe the physical location(s) of the project. Identify the project location. Provide project operation hours (Days and Hours of Operation). Describe how organization will work cooperatively with the Office of Family Support Services (FSS) DSSC, receiving referrals and providing documentation of the work completed at each household. Accept approved applications or contact information from FSS representatives, via fax, email, or online, whichever is most efficient. Describe how the agency will serve all eligible households that meet criteria for Crisis Assistance within existing and available funding. Describe how organization will provide a professional assessment of the needs of each household referred from FSS. Provide agency’s due process for resolving client complaints and appeals in accordance with LIHEAP assurances. It is expected that the selected vendor(s) will respond to and resolve complaints, as soon as possible, not to exceed 7-10 business days. Provide process for how organization will select Furnace Repair and Replacement Sub-contractors. Identify how organization will Conduct a Request For Bid (RFB) to determine subcontractors who will provide furnace repair and replacement throughout the county or counties of Delaware for which the selected vendor(s) is responsible. The Respondent has the responsibility to ensure that services are delivered by such companies in a cost-effective, accountable manner, and in accordance with the process approved by The Department. Describe how the project will comply with all Federal and State Regulations identified in Section 2.0. Describe how the project will comply with all requirements referenced in Section 3.0.