Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor shall provide the followings services: 1. Arson Forensic Analysis Testing - The Contractor shall provide forensic testing and analysis in support of arson cases submitted by the State (Vermont State Police). Accounts will be set up to designate and track the evidentiary specimens originating from the State. a. Evidence submittals shall be sent to the contractor by the investigating officer via: i. USPS Certified Mail ii. Certified carrier, such as UPS or Fed Ex, requiring signature upon delivery. Forensic handling and chain of custody shall be applied to all evidentiary specimens submitted. b. The Contractor will analyze the arson evidence in accordance with ASTM E1618 (American Society of Testing and Materials) for the presence of ignitable liquids. c. Reports of analytical test results shall be provided within 30 days of receipt to the investigating officer of record as identified in the information provided with the evidence submittal via email. d. Specimens submitted to the Contractor shall be returned to the State after analysis has been completed to the investigating officer. The specimens will be returned under full chain of custody by UPS-Ground. This service shall be charged to the State (Department of Public Safety) based on the attached fee schedule provided by the Contractor.