Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Overview Contractor shall apply two (2) or more coats of asphalt seal covering on all asphalt surfaces after having completed all asphalt repairs as indicated on the plans or indicated at the job walk. Fill all cracks over ¼” wide with pre-approved rubberized crack filler. Work includes replacement and reinstallation of broken concrete bumpers: realign and pre-drill loose bumpers; repaint existing painted curbs and re-stripe all spaces and lines. B. Specified Amounts Contractor is responsible for inspecting and evaluating the condition of the site. Written specifications and application rates have been predetermined by the CHP Facilities Coordinator. C. Discrepancies Should there arise any error, discrepancies or doubt as to the intent and purpose of these plans and specifications, Contractor shall immediately contact the CHP Facilities Coordinator. D. Design Changes All items relating to colors, textures, finishes, or otherwise pertaining to the designed appearance shall not be changed unless approved by the CHP Facilities Coordinator. E. Synopsis In general, work consists of any of the following and blacking out all existing conflicting striping, arrows, and signage before any seal coat is applied. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to verify all dimensions that are applicable, to be discussed at mandatory walk through.