The City of Claremont, NH is seeking proposals for the City Hall HVAC Project. Provide Labor, Materials, Services, Supplies, Tools, Equipment, Permits, Transportation and Facilities necessary to furnish and install the complete and operable systems as called for in the plans. To improve the comfort and health of employees and patrons the City of Claremont N.H. is seeking Qualified HVAC contractors to facilitate a new system in the City Hall /Opera House office areas. The overall goal is to install a system that is responsive to year-round temperature fluctuation within the workplace with increased air quality. An overview of the new system is provided. The current split system that occupies most of the offices for A/C and added heat will be removed and disposed of by the awarded bidder while keeping the baseboard hydronic system in place and functioning. All areas of this install are assessable through suspended ceilings or above ceiling crawlspace. The contractor will be responsible for all electrical, plumbing, fabrication, along with any areas that will require a contractor. Engineering fees with documentation will be the responsibility of the contractor for any area needed to establish proper weight loads that fall under the city or state codes. On completion of the project, all areas of ceilings, walls and floors will be left finished off as good or better than commence of job unless approved by the Maintenance Supervisor.