Specifications include, but are not limited to: The LMNG Travel Management project is highly complex and may be contentious. The DPG has a need for a neutral party to 1. Strategize with the LMNG Travel Team and Dakota Prairie Grasslands leadership on cooperating agency and public engagement processes for this project to give this project the best footing for success, 2. To coordinate and facilitate most, if not all, meetings related to engagement with cooperating agencies and the public, including during pre-NEPA and the NEPA phase for this project; and 3. Prepare documentation of meetings, collect cooperator and public input and organize cooperator input and public comments. Scope of work between the DPG, USFS and the North Dakota Forest Service (NDFS) - Pre-meetings with DPG to become familiar with the LMNG Travel Planning Project, where we have been and where we are going. This will include DPG providing background documents for review and understanding of the process and status of project activities. Provide public engagement and facilitation strategy sessions with the LMNG Travel Management Team leadership. This will be ongoing during the life of the project. Provide expert input in public engagement process design and facilitation services for LMNG travel planning. Assist in identifying key stakeholders and helping to design public engagement strategies in partnership with the DPG. Consult with the DPG on other creative ways to include the public, including through e-collaboration tools and other online and social media tools. Work with the DPG to engage existing, place-based, representative groups who have an interest or take travel planning. Help ensure that the process is balanced and is conducted in fair and transparent manner. Responsible for meetings scheduling, including facility coordination for cooperating agency and public meetings. Provide facilitation services for these meetings. Prepare public engagement and facilitation strategy, compile stakeholder feedback, prepare meetings results documentation, and public input/comments. DPG Travel Management leadership will review, edit, and approve all documents produced by the selected contractor.