Specifications include, but are not limited to: The work consists of, but is not limited to, the Vermont State House Annual Flowerbed Planting for summer and fall plantings for the years 2024-2025. Including, but not limited to the following major components: A. The contractor shall provide summer and fall plants and shall plant those plants as noted, unless stipulated otherwise by the State. Planting quantities have been calculated according to a minimum coverage of 4 plants per square foot as previously contracted. 2. Contractor shall coordinate these planting schedules with the plans included with this RFP. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for planting the fill-in stock plants (replacement plants), upon the State’s request, in kind, and during the Contractor’s bi-monthly site visit. 4. Prior to the summer beds being planted the contractor shall determine what fertilizer is required for planting. The Contractor shall supply and install the necessary fertilizer for the beds to flourish without nutrient burning or lock-out. The Contractor shall determine what amendments to planting soils might be necessary for soils to maintain optimum moisture. Water hoses and rototiller are available on-site upon request. 5. Contractor shall prepare a brief description of the schedule and type of fertilizer and watering required to optimize plantings for the State’s Maintenance staff. The maintenance plan shall be submitted one week prior to the scheduled planting dates. Additional maintenance concerns – deadheading, etc. will be outlined in this same document. 6. Summer planting shall take place the week before Memorial Day 2024. If the weather does not permit this planting schedule the State shall make the decision to move the planting date to a time of their choosing.