Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Assemble planning team and meet with consultant(s) to review the planning process and confirm outreach strategy. 2. Establish work plan with deliverables, timelines for completion and confirmed roles and responsibilities. 3. Review information on hazard history and future conditions utilizing best available data to determine priorities based on risk. 4. Design and initiate a public participation strategy for the jurisdiction to maximize meaningful public participation from stakeholder groups identified in the FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Policy Guidance. Request for public input is to occur during drafting stages of the plan, and when a draft is available, and may include outreach to local newspapers, surveys, meetings open to the public, posted fliers, or other alternatives. 5. Complete hazard assessment to determine vulnerability to each hazard and quantify the extent of each hazard. 6. Identify mitigation strategies to address vulnerabilities to each hazard. 8. Draft and submit plan to Vermont Emergency Management (VEM) and revise accordingly. 9. Submit revised plan to VEM, revise if necessary. 10. Adopt plan and return the final plan to VEM and FEMA