Specifications include, but are not limited to: The selected Vendor will be expected to enter into a service contract with the District to perform the work as outlined in the RFP. These services include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Perform routine maintenance and testing on all District elevators and lifts that includes examination, lubrication and minor adjustments to all District elevators and lifts. Maintenance under an agreement shall provide a constant, high-quality service to properly protect all equipment from deterioration and to provide constant peak performance of all elevators and lifts, resulting in a minimum of down time for any portion of the system. Bi-monthly service on equipment is currently being performed. 2. Perform repairs on all District elevators and lifts, as may be needed and with District approval, outside of the routine maintenance duties. All other work, determined by the Vendor to be necessary, will be recommended to the Facilities Director but not performed until authorization. However, under no circumstances shall the Vendor leave an unsafe or potentially unsafe elevator or lift. The District reserves the right to place out to bid or solicit quotes from other vendors for any work that is outside of the maintenance agreement. 3. Perform an annual state inspection on all District elevators and lifts, in accordance with the New Hampshire Department of Labor inspection laws.