Specifications include, but are not limited to: It is the intent of this specification to describe snowplowing equipment required by the New Hampshire Department of Transportation suitable for sustained high-speed plowing operations. All snowplow and snow wing plow equipment must fit existing predominantly Frink or Viking truck attachments and be suitable for immediate use without modification such that all snowplows and snow wing plows are interchangeable. Said equipment shall be ruggedly built from new material by experienced snowplow manufacturers capable of producing a minimum of 100 snowplow units per year and able to furnish parts and components promptly for current and previous models for that manufacturer. All snowplow and snow wing plow equipment shall be so designed to completely drain any areas of water collection when stored outside in upright position without loss of structural integrity. All left- and right-hand terminology used in this specification is relative to a driver sitting in a truck. A metal identification plate shall be affixed to the top of each unit showing manufacturer, model number, serial number, and year of manufacture (actual year or recognizably coded) in legible condition.