Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project shall include the MILL AND OVERLAY OF COUNTY ROAD 18 in STEELE COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA consisting of Patching, Mill, HBP overlay, Common Excavation, Aggregate Base, Commercial Grade Asphalt, Curb Type I, Valley Gutter and Sidewalk Concrete Reinforced, and other miscellaneous items. The project will consist of the following approximate quantities: 20,900 Ton RAP Superpave FAA 43 1,045 Ton PG 58-28 Asphalt Cement 652 Ton Patching 125,408 SY Milling Pavement Surface 68 LF Curb Type I 382 TON Commercial grade Asphalt 120 LF Valley Gutter – 36 IN 170 SY Sidewalk Concrete Reinforced Traffic Control and all miscellaneous work necessary therefor and incidental thereto.