Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor shall submit a plan for how they intend to sequence the construction, disinfection and flushing on this project, prior to the start of work on this project, and must get approval from the Lincoln Water System and Lincoln Transportation and Utilities representatives prior to doing so. It is suggested that the Contractor progress as follows: 1. Install the proposed water mains along Lexington, 52nd to 56th; Francis, 52nd to 56th; 60th , Aylesworth to Colby; and Lexington, 60th to 62nd . 2. Test, disinfect and flush all mains through the temporary and proposed hydrants shown on the plans. 3. Transfer services from the old mains to the new mains. 4. Isolate the existing mains, remove fittings and make connections and abandon the old mains where called for on the plans, if not already completed. Work along Colby St., 52nd to 56th, shall progress as follows: 1. Transfer services from the old mains to the new mains. 2. Isolate the existing mains, remove fittings and make connections and abandon the old mains where called for on the plans, if not already completed. Contractor shall contact LWS Contractor Support Group, Neal at 402-560-9939 before final backfill at connections and at dead ends to determine if anode will be needed or if the tracer wire will need to be directly attached to the existing conductive pipe using an exothermic welded connection or a stainless steel cathodic clamp. The Contractor will be responsible for maintaining pedestrian access through or around the work site at all times and maintaining pedestrian detours.