Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Install Spacesaver DSM Pass-Thru Evidence Lockers (4’-4’6 W) All twenty-four (24) inches Deep X Eighty-two (82) inches High rear door access, keyless access or equivalent. The lockers will also include (1) trouble locker with a combination lock. B. Install security fire rated door with interior hinges and new Sargent Assa 8200 series mortise lock and deadbolt. Area around door will be patched, primed, and painted to match existing. C. Supply and install one (1) 300-500 cfm, Cubic Feet per Minute, exhaust fan with new ten (10) inch ducting connected to existing Evidence room hood with on/off switch adjacent the hood location. Provide all labor and materials as required to modify the supply and return air ducting to accommodate. Provide air balance to affected areas upon completion. D. Contractor to remove and dispose existing light fixtures and switching in Evidence room as necessary to accept new lighting. E. Contractor to supply and install new LED, Light Emitting Diode, lighting in Evidence Room with T24 compliant dimmer switches and occupancy sensors as required.