Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor(s) and any approved subcontractors shall be trained in accordance with National Utility Locating Contractors Association (NUCLA) Professional Competence Standards for Locating Technicians, Fourth Edition 2015. All Locators shall meet the requirements of the training programs for the following competencies: Electromagnetic locating; Instruction in the use of transmitters and receivers; Procedure for marking underground facilities; Training in the identification of facilities; Safety procedures; Operator map and record reading; and Familiarity with the NH Public Utilities PUC 804.03. The successful Vendor shall employ a sufficient number of trained personnel so that all private utility locate service calls are answered within the required time limitations. The successful Vendor shall make service available twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week for emergency location services. The successful Vendor shall provide one (1) dispatch telephone number or other electronic means of communicating that shall be available 24/7 for emergencies. The successful Vendor shall respond by phone or other electronic device to all normal locate service calls within eight (8) hours after report of occurrence. The Vendor is required to physically respond to the respective sites within 72 hours after receipt of notice from the State of a proposed excavation, but not including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to locate private utilities at State owned property in Concord. In cases of an “emergency situation” as defined by NH Puc 802.04, the successful Vendor shall physically respond within three hours of receipt of notification from the State.