Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. The preparation of the entire range of cultural resource studies for both above-ground structures and archaeological sites. This includes all primary and secondary research, fieldwork, documentation, evaluations, and preparation of reports for reconnaissance through mitigation projects. These studies may be specific to standing structures, historic districts, pre- or postcontact archaeological sites, traditional cultural places, or historic preservation, intergovernmental coordination, archival management, restoration and building rehabilitation/management, and public involvement. The consultants should be knowledgeable of historic bridge contexts and survey and evaluation methodology. The majority of the tasks assigned will be Identification and Evaluation studies for standing structures and Phase I, II, and III studies for archaeological sites as well as all applicable public outreach components. 2. The preparation of applicable planning documents, research designs, Determination of Eligibility Forms, National Register Nomination Forms, Cultural Resource Survey Forms, field, lab, draft and final cultural resource reports with stringent quality and editorial control. These studies may include the completion of Management Summaries prior to report preparation. These tasks and studies will be coordinated, as needed and as required, with DelDOT, SHPO, FHWA, USACE, ACHP, NPS, and all interested and consulting parties. 3. The preparation of Management Summaries, information to be used in Effect Findings, and Data Recovery Plans on projects where cultural resource impacts are determined to be adverse. These tasks will require complete coordination with DelDOT, SHPO, FHWA, and as needed with the ACHP, NPS, potential contractors, and interested and consulting parties. The consultant must be able to provide a range of mitigation and public outreach options including but not limited to: archaeological data recoveries, archaeological site tours, HABS/HAER recordation, pamphlets, videos, historical markers, brochures, websites, exhibits, lectures or presentations at academic conferences, and/or public institutions such as schools and historical societies. 4. Review of project plans to identify historic and cultural resources within the project area, make recommendations for level of cultural resource studies needed, completion of Section 106 coordination and documentation including assistance with Findings of Effects and Agreement Documents as necessary. 5. Knowledge and application of structural analysis and rehabilitation for buildings and structures. The consultant should have the ability and/or the capacity as a firm or under a sub-consultant to prepare management plans and/or contracts for historic property management, building or structure rehabilitation, architectural renderings/plans, or structural analysis and restoration. Use of a structural engineer and/or architect dealing with the expertise of historic building or structural restoration is helpful as well as the ability to develop those plans, specifications, estimates, and achieve site plan and building permit approvals.